Apps | Cows and Bulls

DESCRIPTION of the APP Its a SINGLE PLAYER game in which the App randomly selects a 4 character english word and hides that from you. You now get 10 guesses to find that word. After each Guess the App gives you a hint of how close you are to the hidden word. The hint is given as count of BULLs and COWs. A BULL means a character in your guess exists in the hidden word and also the position matches. A COW means a character in your guess exists on the hidden word, but the position does not match. This is a simple game which can help in improving your analytical skills, memory skills and basic english. Above all its lots of fun to play this game. Examples Lets assumes "PART" is the hidden word if the guess word is "JOLT" then its 1 BULL because "T" from JOLT also exists in PART and it in the same position ie 4th position. If the guess word is "TONE" then its 1 COW because "T" from TONE exists in PART but their positi...