
Showing posts from 2018

Prestodb | Configuring for accessing Mysql, SqlServer, Redshift and Hive

Im trying to configure PrestoDB ( distributed query engine) for my testing/understanding purposes. Here are the steps I did to deploy prestodb in my env. PrestoDB Setup: Download the latest prestoDB server( presto-server-<version>.tar.gz )  from Download presto-CLI(command line interface)- (  presto-cli-<version>-executable.jar ) from Below is my master-worker setup MASTER ( or coordinator) IP- 10.x.x.123 works as both Coordinator and worker WORKER IP- 10.x.x.122 works are worker presto CLI works from this machine DBs configured -  Mysql  MSSql-server Redshift Hive Deployment Steps on MASTER / COORDINATOR create a folder called "prestodb". I would like to keep all my directories, related to prestodb, under one folder. but in reality you can keep your folder anywhere you want. now create a folder like "data&qu