
Showing posts from December, 2015

Py | Rundeck Delete Executions

We were running a Rundeck instance using a File-DB ( not MYSQL) and after a month we found that rundeck webpages were very slow and it was unusable. It was because we had lot of job that runs repeatedly in shorter interval and there were so many execution history. This slowed the whole rundeck web front end. I tried to use the normal bulk delete operation using the API and it was still very slow to get all the execution IDs and then to delete them. So I used a work around to get the Execution IDs from the log-filename instead of using the rundeck API. It was still slow but it reduced the overall time by like 60-70% as getting the IDs was the time consuming task. Below is the code #!/usr/bin/python -tt ''' Rundeck delete execution --------------- change-history --------------- 1.0|21-oct-2015|vsubr|created ''' __version__ = '1.0' import sys import time from datetime import datetime import re from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join...

Py | Generic XML 2 Relational Data Convertor - Advanced Options

Please have a look into the basic options first - 1. If you want to force a specific XML Level into a separate table.  In the above example if you want all toppings details in a separate table and each topping as a seperate row in that able, use the following option #If you want to force a specific XML Level into a separate table. xml2rd.arr_predefined_xmlPath4Tables = ['/items/item/topping'] Result of above parameter 2. If you would like to add/merge/insert different xmlpath to the same table then use the below config. But please note that Merge XML paths as the same DEPTH.  In the above example if you want to merge <batters> and <batterscost> then use this config # to put multiple XMLPath into the same table. But make sure all XMLPATH are at the same level xml2rd.d_common_table_4XmlPaths = { '/items/item/batters':{'table':'common_tab...

Py | Generic XML 2 Relational Data Convertor - Basic

Why I need this Generic XML Parser Its often required to load xml data into tables, so that business users can access the XML data and also use those table to write reports.  XMLs I get normally are from 3rd parties and most of the time I dont get the xsd for those XML. Plus we get different XMLs from time to time and if we had hard-code the path to read a specific XML then I had to write code for every XML that I received. So I thought it is better to make a GENERIC XML PARSER which can take any XML file and convert that into RELATIONAL DATA style and write that into CSVs ( which can be used to load the tables) Logic applied for  XML 2 Relational Data conversion Even Level in the XML is a table. ie  items/ item is a table  items/item/baters is a table Can not handle Namespaces All key columns + columns created (by XML2RD) for reference created by with prefix = '_' (eg _xid , _xpath etc) <Element> name becomes the column name. In case of...