Running a Hadoop Example - WordCount

"Word Count" I know this is one of the common example you will find when searching for hadoop examples. The code for this comes along with the hadoop installation. This is a very very simple example which you can use to understand how the hadoop code works. Steps: Make some sample files. I have made 2 files - you can download them from this link - test sample files Now load these files into Hadoop's HDFS ./hadoop-1.0.4/bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /home/venkat/Documents/*.txt /source_data/ You can also see the uploaded files using the hadoop web portal. As i said earlier hadoop installation should contain an example jar which has got "word count" as one of the example. Here is where you can find that example jar /hadoop-examples-1.0.4.jar Use this command to see the classes related to "word count" jar -tvf ./hadoop-1.0.4/hadoop-examples-1.0.4.jar | grep 'wordcount.class' -i If you would like to see the source...