Hadoop File System Commands

Hadoop shell commands are very similar to linux shell commands. The Below links gives the complete set of commands

Hadoop Shell Commands - http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r0.18.3/hdfs_shell.html

Below are some of the important ones are

./hadoop-1.0.4/bin/hadoop dfs -ls /

./hadoop-1.0.4/bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir /source_data

./hadoop-1.0.4/bin/hadoop dfs -lsr /

./hadoop-1.0.4/bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir /tmp/tmp1

./hadoop-1.0.4/bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /home/venkat/Documents/*.txt /source_data/

./hadoop-1.0.4/bin/hadoop dfs -rmr /source_data/*.txt


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