Ora | HTML eMail Util

HTML eMail Utility

This Package/function is useful for sending emails from your pl/sql Code. It send out emails with simple HMTL tags, which can used for neatly formatting your emails. 

Download the Source Code

Package_spec - PKG_HTML_eMAIL_spec.sql
Package_body -PKG_HTML_eMAIL_body.sql

Installation Steps

  1. Download the package spec and the body from the above links.
  2. Run the downloaded script and ensure you have a valid PKG_HTML_eMAIL package.

Usage Notes

* Example-1 : Simple Email

  a := PKG_HTML_eMAIL.sendSimpleEmail('test@domain.com', 

Testing HTML body

R1 - C1 R1 - C2 R1 - C3
R2 - C1 R2 - C2 R2 - C3
'); IF a != 0 THEN dbms_output.put_line('ERROR_TEXT:'||PKG_HTML_eMAIL.getErrorText); --then error END IF; END; */ /****************************************** * Example-2 : eMail with a table content ****************************************** DECLARE conn NUMBER; a NUMBER; BEGIN conn := PKG_HTML_eMAIL.getConnection; PKG_HTML_eMAIL.setHeaders(p_conn_id=> conn, p_to_emailIDs => 'test@domain.com,test2@domain.com', p_cc_eMailIDs => null, p_subject => 'testing customization'); PKG_HTML_eMAIL.SetTableBody( conn, 'TABLE-Header', 'H', null); PKG_HTML_eMAIL.SetTableBody( conn, 'r1-c1~r1-c2~r1-c3', 'R', null); PKG_HTML_eMAIL.SetTableBody( conn, '~TOTAL~:10000', 'SH', null); PKG_HTML_eMAIL.SetTableBody( conn, 'r2-c1~r2-c2~r2-c3', '', null); PKG_HTML_eMAIL.SetTableBody( conn, 'TOTAL', 'SH', null); a := PKG_HTML_eMAIL.sendeMail(conn); IF a != 0 THEN dbms_output.put_line( 'ERROR_TEXT:'||PKG_HTML_eMAIL.getErrorText); -- then error END IF; END; */ /******************************** * Example-3 : Customized Email ******************************** DECLARE conn NUMBER; a NUMBER; BEGIN conn := PKG_HTML_eMAIL.getConnection; PKG_HTML_eMAIL.setHeaders(p_conn_id=> conn, p_to_emailIDs => 'test@domain.com,test2@domain.com', p_cc_eMailIDs => null, p_subject => 'testing customization'); --<<<<<<<< customize the body title PKG_HTML_eMAIL.setBodyTitle( conn, '

this is the BODY title

'); --you can add your own CSS PKG_HTML_eMAIL.setCSS( conn, '.TblReportsHead4{background-color:red;}'); --customize the alignment of table cells PKG_HTML_eMAIL.setTableCellAlignment(conn, 'L~R~C~'); --'H' for header PKG_HTML_eMAIL.SetTableBody( conn, 'TABLE-Header', 'H', null); --'R' for record PKG_HTML_eMAIL.SetTableBody( conn, 'r1-c1~r1-c2~r1-c3', 'R', null); --'SH' for Sub-Header PKG_HTML_eMAIL.SetTableBody( conn, '~TOTAL~:10000', 'SH', null); PKG_HTML_eMAIL.SetTableBody( conn, 'r2-c1~r2-c2~r2-c3', '', null); -- use the CUSTOMIZED CSS here PKG_HTML_eMAIL.SetTableBody( conn, 'TOTAL', 'SH', 'TblReportsHead4'); a := PKG_HTML_eMAIL.sendeMail(conn); IF a != 0 THEN dbms_output.put_line( 'ERROR_TEXT:'||PKG_HTML_eMAIL.getErrorText); -- then error END IF; END;


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