Parse | Adhoc JavaScript Request to execute Cloud Code

I'm doing an IOS app which uses Parse's( Cloud code. Being a IOS developer I found it a bit tedious to test the output of my Cloud Code(CC) using objective C (especially when I'm changing and developing the cloud code)

I thought it would be easy if I can check the output of my CC using a JavaScript directly from the browser, because you can see the output of you CC immediately and also get a better understanding of what values are being returned.

so I made a quick template which uses Parse JS API to 

  •  Login to Parse( In my app you can call a CC only if you login as a App user)
  • Call could code and display its result.

Download the template from this link - Venkat-GitHub-Page-Parse

  • Remember to edit the index.html file and put your <app_ID> and <java-script-key> at Parse.initialize
  • Edit the login details
  • Edit the Cloud code function details and parameters( if any)


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