Parse | IOS Library for Cloud Code

If you are IOS developers who is using parse, then you must know that there is a class in parse IOS library called "PFQueryTableViewController" which has got nice feature to query a parse object and display the results on IOS App's table view.

But like me if dont want to access Parse object directly instead using a Cloud Code (CC) to access all your parse object then you will not be able to use the above class as it works only when accessing the parse objects directly. bummer.....

I searched for a while and couldn't find any library which can work on Cloud Code, so ended up making my own Parse extension which will work for CLOUD CODE. yay.....

eCT_PFCloudTableViewController  - has got the following features

  1. Pagination with "Load more" options.
  2. With or without "Search Bar"
  3. Pull to refresh.
  4. Integrated MBProgressHUD for Nice Activity Indicators.
  5. Completely customisable.
Since you will be using a Cloud Code to access the Parse Objects, you need to set the CC in such a way if you want to use features like search and pagination.
  1. Search: 
    • When developing your CC, make sure you keep a parameter for search ( default used is "searchStr"). You can have any name for this parameter and tell eCT_PFCloudTableViewController to use that.
  2. Pagination:
    • Make sure your CC has parameters to "limit" and "skip" rows. Again you can have any name for those parameters. "limit" and "skip" are the default.

Download eCT_PFCloudTableViewController Classes

Download a sample ParseCC-IOS project ( please follow the below setup before using this sample)

Download my Test CC

Steps to do before using the IOS sample project
  1. setup a parse account and create a App.
  2. Deploy my test CC code to your App's CC.
  3. Download my "Sample ParseCC-IOS project" 
  4. Enter the app key in Viewcontroller.m ( you can do it at runtime or in "viewDidLoad" method of ParseStarterProjectViewController.m
  5. run the ios App now.


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